Packaging your Hospital Bag

Its important to have your Hospital bag ready in advance just incase you go into labour early. Things that you will need to pack for yours and baby's stay in hospital. 


6-7 baby vests

6-7 baby grows

2/3 baby hats

Baby scratch mittens

Water wipes (preferably)

2 packs newborn nappies

Cotton wool

Bibs/muslin cloths

Soother cream/nappy rash cream

Baby bath wash and baby shampoo

2 baby towels

Baby socks 


2/3 changes of clothes

Few underwear (that can be stained and disposed)

Nightdress (for giving birth)

Slippers, pyjamas and dressing gown

Breast pads 

Maternity pads

Maternity bras


Snacks and drinks (labour makes you hungry) 


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