Announcing your pregnant
Some woman can't wait to share their good news with others while some woman cant seem to find the right time.
Alot can come with a pregnancy announcement most will be happy for you but like with everything comes judgement wheather your not in a commited relationship you might not have a job, you might have only recently had a baby whatever the reason judgment unfortunately will always be there
But try to be happy and not care what others think (i know it's not easy) but as long as your comfortable with it then dont mind anyone else you will be raising this baby not them and alot of people who talk can't really talk themselves.
Unfortunately there are some individuals who will ruin your pregnancy announcement by telling everyone your news before your ready to tell your good news.
If you can find a time that's right for you its your news you should be allowed to share it when your good and ready, try telling people who you really trust first.
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