Discovering Your Pregnant

   Any mother out there has had the daunting wait in the bathroom, anxiously waiting for a negative or positive result, them 3 minutes can feel like forever, of course depending on the result you would most like want to see getting a positive result can be a happy, scarry, overwhelming time. It is confirmed a little human is going to be growing inside you, some people find it amazing while other woman dont like the taught of another human growing and moving inside you.

Not everyone is happy with their positve result and that can be for many reasons such as not being ready yet, mental health issues, drug alcohol addiction, low finances, whatever the case may be, and that's ok there is plenty of support groups in dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.

Woman who are happy and over the moon to become a mother for the 1st time or again and cant wait to spread the news, but pregnancy can also come with judgment, maybe you only had a baby last year, or your relationship is unstable, judgement is always there.

Once confirming with a home pregnancy test that you are in fact pregant the next step you should take is to see your docter to record the positive pregnancy and refer you onto the necessary services for pregnancy.

Usually you will recieve a pregnancy pack with a book all about pregnancy and a few usefull leaflets that might be relevant. 

Early stages of pregnancy is quite boring really not much happens but usually around the 2/3 month mark most woman might start experiencing some of the following symptoms although not every woman will as all woman and pregancys are unique to their own regarless of how many babys you have each experience can be slightly different.

Morning sickness.......

Majority of pregant woman know this symptoms all to well, unable to keep food down or in some cases look at food without vomiting, the consent nauseating feeling like you going to throw up, forever trying to make it to the bathroom without being sick everywhere.

Morning sickness usually does pass by the second trimester but again some unlucky woman feel sick throughout the entire pregnancy a small percentage never experienced morning sickness at all their the lucky few.

Sore and tender breasts....

Unfortunately its one of the symptoms of pregnancy, heavy and aching boobs they can become swollen and feel quite full again this will pass as your pregnancy progress along

Trips to the Bathroom... 

Oh my word the constant urge to pee, feels like you be better of staying sitting on the toilet, if i sneeze, laugh even cough its game over ive wet myself, not much woman tell you how much you wet yourself during pregnancy, you are no sooner out of the bathroom when you need to go again its such a nuisance.

Smell & taste sensitivity....

Some woman tend to go off foods they usually like or start eating foods they never dreamed of before certain foods you onced loved can now make you nauseous just by the smell again some woman dont experience these symptoms, some woman get food cravings for a particular food or in some cases woman get bizzare cravings for things such as firelighters or coal, it really is a strange one.

Aches & pains....

Unfortunately aches and pains are a common part of pregnancy, a growing baby puts alot of pressure on a womans body causing a lot of aches and pains from lower back pain, cramping, round ligament pains,


Its normal during pregnancy to have mild swelling in the feet and sometimes hands due to water retention but if you notice severe swelling in both these areas get to the nearest hospital immediately as you most like have pre-eclampsia a life threatening condition that can develop during pregnancy.

What to expect (hospital appointments etc)

Usually around 10 weeks you will be asked to attend a basic ultrascan to determine that a baby can be seen and its where its suppose to be in the womb.

Usually you would be asked to visit your own doctor around 12/13 weeks

At 20 weeks the day has finally arrived you will be booked in for an ultrasound which you can find out the gender of your little bundle(if you wish to do so) you will recieve scan pictures of your little one.

Depending how your pregnancy is progressing you might be asked to attend a fetal growth scan to determine if the baby is healthy and progressing as it should

Its important to visit your own doctors regularly throughout your pregnancy to ensure you and your baby are in good health.

Remember to inform your midwife or doctor if you notice anything unusual, severe cramping or bleeding or just anything that doesn't feel right its always better to be safe than sorry

Its such a big life adjustment discovering your pregnant you have to now change your diet and bad harmful habbits (smoking etc.) every decision you make from this point forward will now effect an innocent little baby and you are responsible for them decisions.

Theres so much worry and overthinking involved, can u support this baby, will baby be ok and will he/she be healthy, i need to find somewhere for us to live.... The worry could go on and on.

But its also really exciting getting the nursery ready, buying cute little baby clothes, imagining what life will be like with a baby around. 


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