Baby is Ready

   When you are in labour your body will certainly let you know its the real deal common signs labour has started

1. Intense lower back pain

2. Contractions coming more frequently and getting more painful as they continue unable to talk or possibly stand during contractions 

3. Waters may break (although not very many woman will actually experience this and may have to get their waters broke artificially by a doctor)

4. You might feel like you need to have a bowel movement

5. Alot of woman will feel pain around their bums and tights 

Its important to time the contractions once they begin coming stronger and closer together its time to head to the hospital unfortunately your baby might still be a while before making their appearance into the world, some progress through labour quite quickly while others can be in labour for hours even days before baby is completely ready to arrive. 

Arriving at the Hospital... 

Upon arrival at the hospital you will be booked in and sent for an external exam to see how far dialated you are, this involves inserting a finger or two into the vagina checking the dialation 

10cm is what you need to be at to be ready to push but getting to 10cm can take quite some time, but luckily there is a range of pain relief available to make your never-ending wait more comfortable.. 

a) gas and air - a tube to suck air and case its a light kind of anesthetic helping you beyter cope with the pain

b) a more popular one is the epidural, a large needle inserted into the spine by a trained anesthesia it workes by temporarily numbing all your pain nerves leaving you somewhat numb from the legs down blocking all pain signals, dont worry this feeling does wear off. 

When you finally reach 10cm dilation its time to begin the pushing stage to deliver your beautiful baby into this world (if your having a natural birth of course) their will be a few nurses and maybe doctors assisting you with this when you feel a contractions you will need to bear down into your bottom as if you were having a bowl movement to help push the baby out dont worry if you have had an epidural you most likely wont feel the contractions but a nurse will tell you when to push and when u pause and breathe.


If you and your midwifes/doctors have discussed a planned section then you will be asked to come into hospital the night before so they can start getting your body ready for a section when its time you will be brought dowm to the theatre room where a trained professional will give you an epidural and begin making a insition above the bikini line (usually) and go through 5 different layers into the womb to retrieve your baby and coach it out safely.

Emergency C-section

Things dont always go as planned an emergency c-section is when the plan was to have a natural birth and sometimes things can prevent the mother from going naturally such as- baby might not be coping well, blood pressure in both can drop, cord can wrap around the neck etc and in these circumstances doctors may decide a section will have to be preformed in order to delivery baby safely and mom is safe.

Emergency c-section can be quite scary as you wont quite know whats going on your suddenly being rushed to theatre nurses and doctors discussing your situation amongst each other but not really explaining anything to you and there is litterly about 25 doctors gathering around you in can be quite daunting but you will get through it please god with a healthy beautiful baby.

Whichever delivery you ended up having it can be an exhausting and somewhat tramatic experience but once you see your baby it call becomes a bit surreal, is this actually my baby, im a mam now how weird, i quess its kind of a bit hard to comprehend at first.

But with the lovely joyful feelings also comes with fear, fear of something going wrong, scared about if you will cope, will you be a good mother, will you be able afford everything? You now hava tiny innocent baby depending on you for everything you are all they have in this world and that can be quite scary and overwhelming your life is no longer about you you have sacrafices to make.

Usually after delivering your baby depending on dwlivery you might have to have a short stay in hospital (natural birth) 24-48 hours (c-section) 5-7days (roughly)

If all is well with yourself and baby you then both of use can head home when the time comes unfortunately some babies need a little extra support and may need a short/long stay in the special care baby unit (most babies will only stay 1 or 2 days longer when you go home but unfortunately some may require a longer stay). 


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