One Day at a Time

  It can be quite overwhelming having your little one at home during the first few days as your still learning and although it may seem like a lot to take in youll soon have the swing of things.

Dont be afraid to hold off visitors until your ready its perfectly OK to want to spend the first few days with your baby alone.

But try not to worry so much about a messy house as motherhood tends to take up the majority of your time, changing nappies, feeding, burping, sooting, bathing, cuddling etc.

When you feel ready get out and about with your baby you should it helps boost your mood and its good for baby too.

Try not be to hard on yourself yes you are a mess yes your all emotional maybe moody and very very overwhelmed but thats totally normal even though alot of woman feel ashamed to say because of fear of judgment.

Getting the swing of motherhood takes time believe in yourself your most likely doing better than ya think, try not compare yourself to other mothers (i know how hard that can be) it might look like they are doing a good job and have it all together but i can assure you they probably dont are are most likely struggling like everybody else.


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