
A Mothers Loves A Blessing

 There is nothing more powerful than a Mothers Love at times we feel as though we cant go on and feel like running away from it all at times but that smile, that laugh keeps me going at the hardest times, like deja vu repeating the same jobs and tasks day in day out and Its Tough but we as mothers have to find a way to keep going because they need us.

Happy Christmas

 Christmas is getting closer and the pressure for parents to make Christmas special can be overwhelming, i mean lets face it in todays world kids are wanting more and christmas certainly is getting more expensive as the years go on... But try to stay calm its not all about expensive gifts and lavish items FAMILY AND LOVE is way more important at Christmas toys and games will be played with once or twice. Dont feel like you have to compete with others (i know its hard) im sure your children will love you more for being there and loving them Remember to shower your kids with love and affection ths Christmas no amount of presents will match that feeling Happy Christmas everyone πŸ€ΆπŸŽ„πŸŽπŸ‘£❤️πŸ‘£


 Pre-eclampsia is a life threatening condition that can develop during pregnancy caused by high blood pressure and possibly damage to another organ(usually liver or kidneys) and is a matter of urgency. Some symptoms of Pre-eclampsia are severly swollen hands, feet or face, severe headaches, pain under the ribs on the right hand side, some woman experience nausea and vomiting and a decrease in urination. If you notice some of this symptoms and think that you or someone you know might have Pre-eclampsia get emergency help immediately.

Baby name Ideas

             Deciding on a name for your baby can be hard so many to choose from, would you like a popular name or a bit of an unusual name below is some Boys and Girls names to help you decide on the perfect name some of my posts may contain affiliate links meaning if you make a purchase through these links i will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.                           Girls                       Amelia                                                Alison                      Alesha                      Amy                     ...

One Day at a Time

  It can be quite overwhelming having your little one at home during the first few days as your still learning and although it may seem like a lot to take in youll soon have the swing of things. Dont be afraid to hold off visitors until your ready its perfectly OK to want to spend the first few days with your baby alone. But try not to worry so much about a messy house as motherhood tends to take up the majority of your time, changing nappies, feeding, burping, sooting, bathing, cuddling etc. When you feel ready get out and about with your baby you should it helps boost your mood and its good for baby too. Try not be to hard on yourself yes you are a mess yes your all emotional maybe moody and very very overwhelmed but thats totally normal even though alot of woman feel ashamed to say because of fear of judgment. Getting the swing of motherhood takes time believe in yourself your most likely doing better than ya think, try not compare yourself to other mothers (i know how hard that...

Mammas are Us

We are all doing our best Some days are easier than others but we keep fighting daily for our babies and i know the struggles of raising a baby, its not all what it is made out to be it is extremely stressful, but that is perfectly normal for mothers, motherhood is certainly a 24/7 job even when baby sleeps or your toddler takes a nap were not really having a break because were busy cleaning, making dinner, laundry etc, its tough going with no gratitude or satisfaction and you get up the next morning and repeat what you did the day before it can be overwhelming feeling like your getting nowhere with the cleaning as its back the same way the following day  But we are strong even if we dont feel it now, it won't be forever they will eventually become more independent and you will find yourself missing these days.  Keep fighting on your children are relying on you to push through the hardest and lowest of times but i believe you can do it  Go. Mammma,'s.......